Disciplinary Proceedings

We advise representatives of the public trust professions on disciplinary proceedings before professional self-governing bodies, disciplinary courts, and common courts.

Our lawyers represent individual clients as a representative or defense counsel in disciplinary proceedings conducted particularly against legal professionals (lawyers, legal advisors, judges, notaries and bailiffs), members of law enforcement bodies, academic teachers, doctors, statutory auditors and officers of uniformed services.

More specifically, we offer:

  • Representing individual clients at every stage of disciplinary proceedings;
  • Taking part in all procedural activities with the participation of clients, including in particular: interrogations, confrontations, visual inspections and trial experiments;
  • Preparing appeals against judgments or decisions issued in disciplinary proceedings;
  • Drafting legal opinions on the compliance of individual clients' activities with relevant legal acts regulating a given profession;
  • Day-to-day advisory services to individual and corporate clients –– facing a crisis situation – we provide support in reducing risks related to potential disciplinary proceedings and ongoing proceedings;
  • Risk analysis and implementing compliance Risk analysis and implementing compliance principles in corporate entities in the context of principles to be followed by persons exercising public trust professions in order to minimize the risk of disciplinary proceedings being initiated against employees of these entities.

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